Already know how you'd like to proceed? You can head straight to the commissions page!
New Client? If you're in search of an editor for a piece 25,000 words or longer, I'll accept your first chapter for free. You can see if my style works for you, and vice versa, and neither party has any further obligations to the other if one of us determines it isn't likely to work out. (That said, if your first chapter is five words long, or the manuscript has no chapters, drop me a line; we'll work out a word count.)
2017 Note: Because I am currently in limbo about which state is going to be my permanent residence, I have moved all business transactions to a temporary Etsy shop--guest checkout is available. Once my location is more concrete, I will refile for a business licence and no longer require payment in full upfront. (Previous payment arrangements have been removed from this website to avoid confusion. They will be back up once I am off of Etsy.)